Scott Fenwick

Technical Director

Clean Fuels Alliance America (Formerly National Biodiesel Board)

Scott serves as the Technical Director for the National Biodiesel Board, working in the Jefferson City, MO headquarters. Scott leads the advancement of core member services for technical and quality assurance support issues. Scott provides key support for technical aspects needed by biodiesel stakeholders including both producer members, obligated parties and fuel users to effectively position the biodiesel industry. Additionally, he educates key decision makers to help build industry credibility. In addition to coordinating the OEM and fuel quality programs under the NBB, Scott has also been elected to chair the ASTM D02 Committee covering all Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels and Lubricants. He also coordinates other international biodiesel and fuel activities for other standards development organizations. After serving as Chairman of the BQ-9000 Commission, Scott now assists as the NBB liaison to the National Biodiesel Accreditation Commission.

Prior to joining the National Biodiesel Board, Scott had been involved with the fuel inspection industry for nearly 25 years and managed several fuel testing laboratories. After attending Purdue University, he also worked for Archer Daniels Midland Company organizing their Biofuels Technical Services.